30 August 2005

not lost at sea, only lost in sea-ttle....

with internet at home i have NO excuse not to write, but i haven't had the energy. we have a brand-new schedule, an old house we are working on, and are getting used to about 10,000 things at once, so i can't seem to find the focus. we get up at 6 (i'm not a morning person), we aren't tired in the evenings, and the result: i get up at 6, have breakfast with my hubby, see him off, and then crawl back into bed. i'm even groggier upon second wake-up.

we've had a roof put in.

we need to put in a new electrical panel.

we are buying furniture, and doing very fancy-pants calculations about what credit card they should be put on given the whole paycheck/billls-due ratio. highly scientific.

we are getting into seattle life by guzzling cappucinos that we make on our own espresso machine.

it rained yesterday, and we enjoyed that, too. talk to me in a few months.

other than that, i should get to work, i really, really should.

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 8:30 am

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