01 September 2005

out of my system

i aim to be a hospitable person. hospitality is one of the key things that i strive towards when i have guests: cooking good food, providing comfort and a sense of home, cleaning up (only time my home gets a deep-cleaning), stocking the fridge, making everything nice.

meaning, and i don't mean to sound too bitchy about this, but i feel grumpy about it right now, that if someone comes into my home and brings along food, i feel inadequate. i offer to make something, but no, we already brought this. i know how it is meant, but i read into it and end up feeling like crap. i like to provide nice things, and cook, and i think i do a damn good job with it. so this frustrates me beyond belief. bring me cookies, nice oils, chocolates, wine, any time. any time. please. thank you. but the equivalent of a meal? i can cook, damn it!

ok, needed to get that out of my system.
*still fuming*

dandlioneyes at 10:43 am

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