03 October 2005


went to my first bris on saturday, which, i have to admit, was a nice experience. life cycle events in general are so filled with meaning and symbolism, as you move from one status to another, and this little baby boy, bless his heart with his crying (must have hurt!), well, he was a trooper. the congregation sang and prayed, and my husband and i sat and hummed along when we could, glad to be there with our neighbors and their new child.

we also went to a party thrown by some 22, 23 year olds, and it was surprisingly fun. they tried so hard to be adults, drinking wine not beer, but still very self-reflexive about their feelings about this sort of party. it did make me feel old, though, in a motherly sort of way.

there appears to be a break in the weather -- a bit of sun shining through, and i'm going to take advantage of the lack of rain to do some yard work. i just want to be out in the fresh air!

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 9:49 am

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