12 October 2005


don't name your dog "f*cker". seriously.

let me take a step back and explain.

(not that this would need explanation -- just not a polite thing to name your dog, jeesh.)

so i'm walking home from getting a short (!) and snazzy haircut, and i hear a 3,4 year old girl calling to her dog: come here, f*cker, come here. at least that is what it sounded like. her mom (suburban mom living in the city, if you can imagine what i mean) was calmly talking to a contractor, paying no mind to her cursing child! and i walk by, and the girl is calling to her dog, come here, f*cker, come here. now, it probably was all a big mistake. i imagine the dog was actually called bucker. or bucky, or ducky, or who knows what. but i kidyounot, i heard f*cker.

i leave you with this thought: be careful what you name your pets. other people might misunderstand!

dandlioneyes at 9:02 pm

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