10 January 2006


i'm so glad that this is day 5 of clomid, the last day. i swear i know what menopause is like... clomid acts as an estrogen surpressant and i've therefore had hot flashes, night sweats, and general dizziness and malaise. oh yes, and fatigue. blimey, hormones are nutty!

i go in to have blood drawn tomorrow (not a big fan, i get faint from that, too), and then a haircut tomorrow as well. even better, my sweetie gets home after being gone for a week; i'm looking forward to a quiet weekend with some house-related work, but mostly time together.

i've been dilligent about working out, too -- i'm up to about 40, 45 minutes a day right now, which i'm really glad about. because of the stupid clomid i sweat like crazy -- it doesn't bother me, but somehow, i imagine it isn't the most attractive to the other gym-goers. then again, i'm not aiming to attract, i'm aiming to get and stay in shape, so they shouldn't care and neither do i. and then: there's the sauna. the steam room. my little bit of heaven that follows the workout, when my muscles scream "have pity, no more, we surrender"....

the movie "antonia's line" is excellent, by the way, about a dutch woman rebuilding her life after world war ii. really enjoyable, strong female characters, and ... quiet.

time for dinner!

dandlioneyes at 5:53 pm

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