16 January 2006


i am so restless. the rain was punctured by a day of sun yesterday, which was beautiful: we did yard work. we did so much house-stuff this weekend (organized the CDs; organized the (!!!!) books... by subject, genre, geography... insanity, as far as i'm concerned, but it is done.).

not sure where the restlessness is coming from -- the rain? a break from diss work over the weekend just to return to it again this week? the rat race? quite possibly. i'm also tired because of a conflict with my mother-in-law (in regards to our lovely struggles with fertility)... i guess family issues have a way of weighing one down.

i do, however, look forward to a steaming cup of soup now. thai rice noodle soup. can you say: happy camper?

dandlioneyes at 12:46 pm

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