21 May 2006


the "big" ultrasound, at exactly 20 weeks, is tomorrow, and i'm crazy giddy about it. not only do we get to see our little baby, which should look more like a little baby now than the 8 wk ultrasound picture (=blob with heart!), but we'll hopefully be able to find out if it is a boy or a girl. i know lots of people wait to find out, and i can understand that decision, but my curiosity is just getting the best of me, and i can't wait to start trying out names and looking forward to either a son or a daughter, you know?

so that's exciting. and i'm on a cleaning kick (like vacuuming and dishes) -- nothing exciting, but man, we've neglected the house and it feels nice to get the carpet all vacuumed!

we're having a party the weekend after memorial day, which i'm looking forward to. so far, 20 adults and 5 kids are coming, which equals a zoo, which equals insanity, on our part, really, but we'll do some grilling if the weather holds and easy stuff we can prepare a few days in advance. mostly, we're hoping it jump starts our social life, which, since most of our friends live all around the us and the world (from the bay area to los angeles chicago to boston to philadelphia, to newfoundland, to the uk, to the netherlands, to germany, to turkey....), has been ridiculously absent in our lives. so we're throwing this party, inviting my hubby's colleagues and their spouses and kids, and hoping that it all goes well. i've met some of them, but not all, but why not just do it this way!

other than that, not much. the house was pressure washed friday (i felt like i was in a giant carwash), and we still have to chose a paint color for the house (and the trim and the accent color, yegads). the scraping begins next week, the painting, if the weather holds, the week after that. crazy stuff. there goes a chunk of the money we've saved up, but, then again, the house is peeling and a good coat of paint will do it some good.

wow, i sound so domestic, don't it? cleaning, house-painting, organizing a fete... yikes. i should be talking about the hours i spend at late-night raves, too, i suppose... but then i'd have to admit i was lying. what you see is what you get, and life is pretty comfortable right now! :-)

happy weekend!

dandlioneyes at 12:22 pm

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