04 July 2007


How does so much time go by between my posts? I have no idea where it went, what I have done. All I can say is that my motivation for REVISIONS, of which there are few for submission but plenty for publication, is NIL. NIL NIL NIL. I can't concentrate at all. It doesn't help that we had family visiting, and that I prefered to play hooky with my hubby and go out canoeing/sangria-drinking/movie-watching (2 dates, our first in 9 months!)...

Two dates, indeed. It was joyous. We had quiet time, and it felt almost spontaneous to have sangria after (not before!) canoeing. And spontaneity flies out of the window when one is a parent.

After my defense, we did yardwork for a few hours, and had a decadent dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in town. Miss E. did wonderfully, and got to have mushrooms and beets for the first time, the latter in a delicious salad with chevre.

Miss E. is 9 months old as of July 2nd. I don't know where my little baby went and where this big girl came from....

dandlioneyes at 9:05 pm

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