26 July 2005

another year, another move

not sure when the internet gets cut off, but it may be soon. so, dear readers, it might be a while until i write again. prolly from seattle. maybe on saturday from my hubby's parents' house. i have to admit, i'm frazzled, even though we have movers coming. maybe BECAUSE we have movers coming? (since, you know, EVERYTHING is still on the shelves. yet we are moving tomorrow. the whole thing is nutty.)

sigh. i'm totally nervous.

but what lies beyond -- SEATTLE -- is making me very happy. i can't wait to hop into the car on sunday morning and get some miles on the honda. new tires, new tune-up, and we are rearin' to go! hello, seattle! hello, cute little housie that i love!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:57 pm

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