30 July 2005

on the road again...

a quick update...
moved out of the apartment, cleaned it, and had a hard time leaving: all those stray cats. the excitement of the house is sustaining, but spending a day in marin county with my grandma and cousins was so nice, that it does hurt to leave.

we went to cronkhite beach, the marine mammal center, and had breakfast in mill valley. i made a big lasagna for dinner, and we had chocolate pre-birthday cake.... this morning, my cousin and his girlfriend made me a birthday breakfast this morning, and now we are at my in-laws having one last day with them. tomorrow: on the road.

28 years old today. wowza!

what a frenetic entry: cooking show on TV, and i am having a hard time concentrating. lots going on.

anyways, folks, i'll write from SEATTLE.
it may be a few days, since i have no internet, but i will write! i'll find a way!!

dandlioneyes at 12:04 pm

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