01 August 2005


we are in ashland, oregon, in an old hotel that is supposedly haunted by a friendly ghost (amelia), who i am convinced i heard wuthering about last night. not so much wuthering as playing the piano. i kid you not. after being a little freaked out i closed my eyes with the firm resolution that if there are ghosts, i probably am not sensitive enough to notice them. really.

we had the packers on wednesday, the movers on thursday, a day at the beach on friday, my 28th birhday on saturday and the goodbye from california on sunday, and then trucked up 5 hours through vaca valley leaving behind the jewel that is the bay area, and heading up for more mountaineous regions. we dove past mt. shasta and mt. shastina, and will end up in hood river tonight. we supped marvelously last night thanks to emre's new employer *ah yes per diem expense account* -- and this morning, a continental breakfast awaits us. i wonder if amelia will serve it up for us?

on the road! on the road! this is a new beginning of a new segment of our lives. and all we have on our mind is a certain grey/blue house on a certain north-south running street in seattle. ah, yes.

dandlioneyes at 8:09 am

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