21 August 2005


the good news: we love the house! we are moved in! the fence issue is basically resolved (we hope). we feel at home there! it is quiet and sunny!

the bad news: work starts for hubby tomorrow. dissertation work has to start for me soon, too. the neighbor to the north is downright annoying. we have to unpack. and, the most grueling of all: NO INTERNET UNTIL NEXT SUNDAY! right now, we are at the temp apartment downtown, right across from the seattle art museum, and are using the internet there. but we're planning on totally moving out today, and then, no more internet for me. ah, the drama!

otherwise, it is good to be here. i'm a bit nervous about starting the writing process again, unsure of what it means, and, altogether, am just a tad anxious. i think that comes from 3 weeks of limbo: temp housing, the quest for furniture, the anxiety about closing... it has meant ignoring work, enjoying the house, and pushing off the feeling in my gut that, gee, i should do work...

ah well, tomorrow is a good day to start, is it not? today: fixing a piece of drywall, hauling away some yard waste, swiffering the floor (what a great invention), unpacking clothes, and reading some books from the local public library (love that place!! just finished a book about a new yorker going to austria to hang out with a wandering shepherder who sings yiddish folk songs -- turns out, i know personally 3 of the people the author thanks in the acknowledgements. that's pretty neat, in and of itself!)

alright, folks, gotta log off. *hugs*

dandlioneyes at 12:23 pm

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