16 August 2005


so we signed 5 million times yesterday. it didn't go as far as signing over our first-born child, but it was a lot. strangely enough, though i've heard people walking away from signing dazed and shocked about the amount of money... i didn't have that feeling. mostly, because we've known for a month how much money this really is going to be. but i have to admit, the signing was exhausting, and i did walk out of there dazed and in a stupor because i don't think i've ever signed my name so often in succession....

so today should be closing, pending some dispute resolution i have no energy to get into. but we are excited and can hardly wait. it would mean that tomorrow the movers come, tomorrow the appliance people would deliver the fridge and the washer and dryer, and that we could sleep in our comfy bed in our new house in our new room tomorrow night! eeeeek!

dandlioneyes at 9:51 am

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