12 August 2005


i think i'm coming down with a cold. i've been feeling chilled tonight, and have had the sniffles. no fun.

when we were walking back from pike's place market (well, from macy's but via pike's place), we saw a neat street performer rhyming a la edgar alan poe's the raven, who magically made five steel rings interlock and detach. we watched in awe, payed him $1, and i'm now convinced that 50 cent entertainment is the way to go. it was amazing.

we set up the date for the signing. we'll sign on monday, and, fence issues aside, will close on tuesday, fingers crossed. because of all the bureaucratic fun stuff, i haven't really gotten any work done. i'm a bit scared. but right now, the excitement of the house does outweigh my nervousness. sorta.

it has been neat being in seattle. we haven't done much, really, but are walking around, and enjoying being in the -- a -- city for a change. i do miss our palo alto apartment, mostly because it was cozy and i felt at home, and this limbo is driving me nuts. having the house to look forward to helps, though. i hope it doesn't feel too big... going from 430 sq. feet to 1830 sq. feet will be a huge, HUGE leap.

furniture shopping, though fun, is more of a window shopping at the moment. we can't buy anything right now givne, oh, i dunno, the huge mortgage we are about to take on. (eek!). but we are enjoying looking, and have a nice idea for the dining room which involves both sleek modern and glass, as well as refurbished antiques from china. woo!

alright, jurassic park III is on cabley-goodness right now (i say sarcastically). but hey, who can resist the opiate of the masses on a friday night? especially if it involves dinosaurs? see, i knew you would understand.

dandlioneyes at 9:25 pm

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