10 August 2005


i really haven't written much, have i?

even though the house isn't ours yet -- yesterday in a week is the closing -- we have so much to do. we were looking for roofing contractors. we need things like smoke detectors, fire extinguishers. we are racing around town looking at furniture. our head is full of that sort of fun (and exhausting stuff), and then the trials and tribulations of family fun. my cousin is back home, thank goodness, and nothing awful happened in the end. an aunt of mine in germany passed away, and my dad had to rush to germany for the funeral. but we are, all things considered, in good spirits. just tired from running around.

we went to snohomish yesterday, a town that is now focused around antiquing. we had a good time walking around and looking at knick-knacks and even larger pieces of furniture.

i'll try and write more regularly. about going to pike's place for breakfast. about the cloudy/foggy mornings we've been having. about the fremont sunday fleamarket. about running into a guy from highschool and meeting up with him for lunch. so much going on, but we are just exhausted. and, not to mention, we are using a MODEM for our internet joy, so sometimes checking dland, email, etc., is just too much....

hugs all around!

dandlioneyes at 8:27 pm

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