14 September 2005


again i've had trouble writing recently -- so many things going on (hello, i square danced on the street and sang in public!) -- but no energy to sit and document it all. what is this self-documentation all about, anyways? why do people self-document obsessively, storing away pictures and notes and letters and cards for posterity?

my husband finished his dissertation and is submitting it today. hip hip, hurrah! he flew down to california to do so, so i curled up in bed with ice cream and some dvds and had a quiet evening last night.

my cousin and his girlfriend were here last week, and we went to what must be one of the nicest zoos i've ever been to. we danced in the street at our block party, i sang (!!!), and it was a really nice visit.

i really need to sit down and do some work. plus, i've now sneez 10 times in the past minute, so something has gone amuck with my plumbing. i need to blow my nose.

dandlioneyes at 11:29 am

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