08 September 2005

7 things

i have been tagged now both by elgan and by borogoves, so i must do this. now. even if it isn't profound. and it does NOT, i repeat, NOT need to turn into an existential crisis for me. i'm just saying.

and none of this stuff is in any particular order.

one. seven things i plan to do before i die:
1. figure out what sort of career might make me happy (and yes, finish the @#$%&^* dissertation!)
2. have a swing in my backyard
3. learn a craft (ceramics, weaving, painting, something...)
4. travel, travel, and then travel some more. all over the place. all over the world.
5. have a large family
6. make a difference in my local community
7. get the courage to act in a play

two. seven things i can do:

1. make whistling noises on a blade of grass
2. make my hubby laugh without tickling him
3. make a mean lasagne
4. garden with my usually green thumb
5. vote!
6. remember the lyrics to most any musical
7. gleek

three. seven things i can't do:

1. jump on a pogostick
2. speak mandarin (i also don't speak cantonese)
3. dance (which doesn't stop me from dancing, though)
4. sing
5. shower without getting my hair wet
6. give myself a successful manicure or pedicure
7. get through a day without at least 6 hours of sleep. i need 8 though.

four. seven things that attract me to people of the opposite sex:

1. kindness
2. humor
3. hands
4. intelligence and a way with words
5. eyes
6. the ability to amaze me
7. calmness

five. seven things i say the most:

1. you know
2. love you
3. juxtaposition (well, no, not really, but it is a damn good dissertation word!)
4. okay then
5. honey
6. i'm hungry
7. kerschmurggle (one of the many words i made up)

six. seven celebrity crushes:
(only seven? :) )
1. johnny depp
2. scarlett johansson
3. colin firth
4. orlando bloom (this is embarassing, but uhm, oh well)
5. al pacino
6. kate winslet
7. johnny depp (oh wait, have i mentioned him already?)

seven. seven people i want to take this quiz (who weren't tagged by elgan or borogoves)

1. loewenzahn
2. michl
3. eggsaucted
4. hulabelly
5. teranika
6. saucy99
7. idil

(sorry for the lack of links to all the names. i'm feeling mega lazy)

dandlioneyes at 12:34 pm

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