07 September 2005

criticize and rally

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thank you, anamomda for providing a link to a scathing critique to the government's response to katrina, which you can also find under the september 5th entry here. i don't want to politicize a disaster, but does it really take a natural disaster to point out its twin -- the disaster in the white house? what is it going to take for people to wake up?

seeing how class and race still impact day-to-day life in the US as much as they apparently do is disheartening, painful, infuriating. seeing the worst of humanity while at the same time seeing its best, people's generosity and kindness in juxtaposition to the glock 9 pistols and whatever other instruments of death is almost too hard to understand. and i feel helpless up in the northwest; i can't do much of anything except give money.

rumors are flying in baton rouge about the gangs that are out to mug people. barbara bush had the audacity to say that it is scary that "they" (the underpriviledged) want to stay in texas? that it is working out well for them because texas has so much to offer?

i just shake my head at all of this. i scour the news, not sure what i am looking for.

george lakoff, berkeley linguist, points out that katrina needs to be a watershed moment: we need a radical change in the post-katrina era; we need people to speak out; we can't have history re-written or government cover-ups change the way that people remember (or forget) the ineptness of this current administration. i think he is right.

continue criticizing and rallying.

dandlioneyes at 10:47 am

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