16 September 2005


the randomizer (which rocks my socks) has shown me that my life consists of four things: (a) working on the graduate school thing, the life of a perma-student; (b) eating; (c) having bad dreams and writing about those; and (d) being mad or depressed or in a funk.

i'd like to change that. ideally my list would be (a) about all my fabulous travels; (b) about my fantastic dream job that doesn't involve a certain dissertation; (c) about our perfect little house that doesn't (again!) have mold in the basement; and (d) about whatever other grand adventures that i happen to be having that day.

but no, instead it is about work, food, nightmares and bad moods.

something is amuck. i have to change that!

dandlioneyes at 9:53 am

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