19 September 2005

conferences, competition, construction (scraping, actually)

ever get the sense you are in too deep? i'm planning a conference with a buddy of mine, and we have invited several big shots who said YES (i can't believe it), and now i'm worried the whole thing will crumble. seriously, i'm terrified. the funding is (almost) secured, where the operative word is "almost" and we've promised food and lodging and some transportation. eeek. eeeeeeeeek.

i also get the sense that the payback for doing something like this is minimal. sure, it will be a scintillating conference, but all in all it ends up being a small line on our CVs, and that's it. unless we publish the proceedings. eeeeek again.

another topic of great consternation and chagrin: some kid is writing an MA thesis on my dissertation guy. good news, right? i mean, i'm not asa obscure any more. bad news: he wants my data. i'm now officially the owner of coveted data and i'm feeling possessive. i did a year's worth of research on primary data, and am not sure i want to share. advice?

we scraped paint off the back of our house the whole weekend. not my favorite weekend activity. but we also ate at an afghani restaurant, worked out 2x, and bought a floor lamp. those suckers are expensive!

alright, folks, that's all for now. oh, and i've been pondering about the german elections. i'm thrilled schroeder pulled up a bit more; merkel as chancellor would have freaked me out. still might happen, but still. not without a grand coalition.

dandlioneyes at 12:42 pm

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