29 September 2005


i have received a request from my dear partner-in-crime loewenzahn to write an entry. pronto. and not just any entry, nay nay! an entry about how our math teacher didn't teach us math in gradeschool (or how i tried to strangle a boy in first grade -- not unprovoked, might i add).

two things. i don't remember the strangling incidence, nor do i remember learning math. hmm. crap. that's too much of a coincidence.

so the math thing is easy to talk about. we took math. addition was fun. i can still add. subtraction, a piece of cake, really. multiplication? sure, i can do it on paper, though i prefer my handy-dandy calculator.

here is where the trouble arises. i can't divide. sure, 6/2, or even 1/6. but anything big? that might involve long division? that might involve some sort of decimal or another? no, the hair on the back of my neck raises, i panic, and, uhm, i freeze up. i can't divide. don't remember the principles of long division.

for the longest time, i thought this was my fault, some feature of my convoluted brain that had kicked long division out a long while ago, making room for such things as the lyrics from "once more with feeling" (the buffy musical episode). clear priorities, bien sur. whyever not. but in speaking to my friend loewenzahn yesterday, we came to the startling conclusion that she, too, cannot do long division.

it isn't us, no! we are VICTIMS, victims of a poor teacher, of a clear flaw in child pedagogy that did not teach us how to divide property. i want my money back!!! but i feel vindicated, glad to learn that i'm not stupid as much as just the product of a bad math class.

and about the strangling? the boys in our class would run around and try to catch the girls. 18 boys, 7 girls, and we were outnumbered. they would try to "milk" us, grab our non-existant boobs (even at the age of 7 we knew that they were doing something awful and wrong). this boy caught me, said he would grab me, and i defended myself by, apparently, squeezing his throat. i wish i remembered, but somehow i don't. clearly self-defense, a reflex to protect myself. i have to admit, i'm proud of that moment i don't remember.

no other news, really. the house is primed in the back, the rains have started, we saw a sneak-preview/premiere of the movie serenity on monday with a whole audience full of joss whedon fans (loved the movie, more room in my brain for serenity by the creator of buffy and i can absolutely lose multiplication for that purpose!!).... but that's been it. nothing exciting.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 8:26 am

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