24 September 2005

stream of consciousness crap

do you know the feeling of vocalizing something written, e.g., reading outloud a draft of a forum presentation, and then thinking "oh #%$^&*(" this sounds awful?

i think i need to scrap my entire presentation.

i hate when that happens. esp. since i worked all week on it.

this whole saturday, usually my favorite day of the week, has been lousy. we didn't really sleep in, we didn't really get to enjoy breakfast -- the only good thing about today was the workout we had at the gym in the evening and the cake to counteract the workout when we got home. (oh, and we did get WA-state license plates today, which is good news. before, we were driving illegally with our CA ones...)

and i'm contemplating a 2nd piece. seriously, i'm in a horrid mood. "there once was a girl with a curl, right in the middle of her forehead, and when she was good, she was very very good, and when she was bad, she was horrid" -- yes, curls, yes, horrid, but horrid mood.

i think i'll spare you all my stream of consciousness grumpiness. more later -- tomorrow.

dandlioneyes at 9:46 pm

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