18 October 2005

sun! did i mention sun?!


sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!! sunshine!!!

i will so play hooky from my conference and sit in a cafe in the SUNSHINE in ATLANTA and get some much needed vitamin D. it has been 3 weeks since we've had regularl sunshine. there's been an hour or two inbetween, and believe you me, i go out and sit in it when it does shine... but it'll be 82 degrees and SUNNY (not partly cloudy or cloudy or 80% chance of rain) in ATLANTA and i'm amazingly excited about the weather. the conference? eh, screw it. it can bite me. i get to see my friends, sit in the sun, and the whole "academic engagement" has become a secondary issues!

cheers to that! be back sunday!

dandlioneyes at 10:12 am

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