02 November 2005


yesterday, we had rain with a chance of showers (?!), and today, amazing sunshine. but look ahead at the rest of the weather report, and you'll see rain, rain, pure rain. *hmmm* this'll take some getting used to, says she!

my mom and s. are coming tomorrow to visit for a few days, which, though odd, will also be nice. the weather isn't going to cooperate, but it'll still, i hope, be pretty enough.

volunteered at the museum today, which was more or less a crash-course of insight into how (public education works 9or doesn't work) in this country... teachers who couldn't control the kids, and a whole handful of kids who really looked like they had ADD... but they were also really smart, knew about (the presentations were about weather) high and low pressure, what causes weather -- very, very neat.

nothing much to report, just a major house-cleaning underway (ah, the smell of chemicals!) ... and that's about it in rainy-seattle-land...

dandlioneyes at 4:27 pm

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