09 November 2005

new diary?

i haven't written in 6 days? 6 days??? that's nearly a week! bad dandlioneyes, bad!

seriously though, maybe i've outgrown this diary and need a new one. one with new rules (less self censorship?), or one whre i actually try and write, instead of posting long blathers about the rain and my current grumpy mood. it's weird, but i've been having a hard time finding things to talk about here.

but i'm not really going to go away, that would be unlike me. i guess i just have things running around in my head that i can't write about here, but that i nevertheless spend a lot of time thinking about, know what i mean?

my mom and s. visited, and it went well. it wasn't always easy (i find him patronizing at times, and pedantic), but all in all, it was smooth. i wish i had had more time with my mom, just us, but i'm just grateful for any time i have with her.

other than that, back to the grind....
oh, and my sweetie and i get free harry potter tickets next week, PLUS free concessions, thanks to the big evil empire he works for... all for a good cause -- 80% of the employees donated to charities in a year long giving campaign, and therefore, as a reward, we get to see the new harry potter PLUS get all the free concessions we want. POPCORN!!!

still need to answer a little book quiz loewenzahn asked me to fill out. i won't forget, versprochen!

dandlioneyes at 10:11 am

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