10 November 2005

die villa kunterbunt

ah, the amazing trials and tribulations of the one, the only, moi. today had such potential to be great. i spent three hours at my neighbors eating scones and drinking german adventstee, hanging out with her, her 4 year old son, and her 6 week year old son. we even took a walk. i got to hold the beautiful little baby (seemed so fragile and yet so hearty at the same time!), and we just chatted away. even exchanged german books, which makes me just very, very happy. woohoo, things to read!

and then my dingbat of a cousin emailed me, possibly signing me up to be on some sort of yahoo porn group as well -- talking about my mentally ill cuz who had such a horrible, horrible summer and scared us all so very much. and i tail-spun into a funk, which i took out on my husband (not fair, i know, why is it that we do that to those we are closest to) when he got home, and i just feel like curling up and eating pudding now. nothing wrong with that, but halloween slides into thanksgiving slides into christmas, all times of feasting, and i feel round and roly poly and not the svelte pacific northwesterner i want to be, with yellow rain boots (note: need yellow rain boots!) and strinkingly red hair (note: need to dye my hair again)....

svelte. there's a word.

to close with the words from pippi langstrumpf: ich mach mir die welt, widdewidde wie sie mir gef�llt!

dandlioneyes at 7:08 pm

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