16 November 2005


first off, let me just say this: what's with me and loving bacon and eggs these days? as in, the combo of bacon and eggs? as in, i wouldn't want either of them alone?

so friggin' good. just had a bacon and egg sandwhich for lunch; had bacon and eggs for breakfast yesterday morning... what gives?

second of all, let me just say that i love the world war II generation. a man in his early 80's tipped his hat at me today when i passed him on the street. tipped his hat. i thought it was just wonderfully charming and it put a spring in my step.

third of all, tomorrow morning will be great, great day. i get to go to a movie theatre and get free popcorn and candy and coke at 8 am and watch harry potter. yes, that's right. harry potter. 8 am. coke. popcorn. free. it would be hog heaven if i just got free bacon and eggs alongside those twizzlers. hello, harry potter! doesn't cost us a dime (perk from my hubby's job, a present for all the employees being generous during the giving campaign), and hello twizzlers. 8 am movie. sugar. if i was a kid i'd probably be doing summersaults just about now.

fourth of all i finished a chapter yesterday and will spend today cleaning the house. finishing is good. cleaning isn't -- but hey, i don't want to work on another one. you have to quit while the stakes are high, while things are on a roll. gambling 101!

fifth of all, c'est tout. some people call me the space cowboy. some call me the gangster of love. some people call me maurice, ooo-oooh!

dandlioneyes at 1:52 pm

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