23 November 2005


ok fine i'll update. before i go away to california and the sun and bask in vitamin D and forget all about the rainy seattle... oh wait! we've not had rain in like 10 days, and the past two have been downright -- yes, you're right, you heard me, SUNNY. i can't believe it, 'neither! very nice indeed. is my lack of updating a direct reaction to the gorgeous sun and my attempts at yard work? probably not, but you know, it sure has been purty!

we're flying to california tonight, and i'm already dreading the airport and the holiday mess. i'm also a bit anxious about the whole "language emersion" thing that is about to hit me. not northern california slang, but turkish, and it can just be exhausting sometimes.
< br>
we're also heading over to my husband's 10 year high school reunion. i missed my own (did i really "miss" it, i dunno) -- so this will be odd. this is the "i'm doing so well and look at my gorgeous ring and i have this fantastic job and look how much weight i lost" reunion, and the "ohmygod did you see who so-and-so is with?" of course, i'll be the eyecandy (!) everyone is watching, and then, on top of it, i'm so wonderfully nice they'll just not know WHAT to do with me. nice AND beautiful? oh my god, how is that possible! (ok, uhm, clearly updating at 7:15 isn't always a good idea. i'm nervous about the reunion and need to play it up in my mind so it'll seem normal when i'm there. yeah.... normal....)

ok, enough said. i need to pack. get my hair cut. not just one hair, but preferably all of them!

happy thanksgiving!

dandlioneyes at 7:09 am

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