01 December 2005

snow? in seattle? moooooh!

you'd think i was in goettingen right now. or maybe philly. or even chicago. hell, alaska, anyone? antarctica? we have snow in seattle. S.N.O.W. let that sink in. i thought we had a nice cool west-coast (e.g. california) climate up here, and apparently i'm in for a rude surprise. SNOW. that white flakey stuff? coming down. from the sky. and it is COLD. our barometer, a glass barometer attributed to goethe (not this individual one, but the idea, ya know) has risen sky high, meaning we have low air pressure and ergo a storm. hello, storm. hello white stuff. i'd rather be in hawaii.

on that note of wishful thinking, i set a thesis deadline. not that the deadline is wishful thinking, nay nay! i will do it. may 1, 2006, i need to have a draft into my committee. in order to defend end of may. in order to submit end of june. in order to be dr. dandlioneyes by august 2006. i'll expect you all to use that title of respect.

because of that set deadline, my stomach has been aching something terrible the past few days, i'm just anxious beyond belief. i want this process to be done (without going through it); i want to be a useful member of society and contribute something. i want a friggin' salary!!

anyways, enough for the moment, time to sip some tea and huddle under a blanket for warmth. did i mention the white stuff coming from the sky? in thick, wet, whaddaya call 'em? flakes?
go figure.

dandlioneyes at 11:25 am

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