06 December 2005

flu and fleet

oh, so many things to write, and so little time. or is it the other way around: so much time, so little things to write?

what about the crows eating the catfood i put out last night? i nearly had a heart-attack when i heard this loud rapping noise coming from my back porch. i peeked through the window, and there they were, pecking away. pretty awesome, actually, i guess i should put out birdfood instead... if i was a cat, i wouldn't come near those things!

what about my flu shot and crazy anxiety that i might fall into anaphylactic shock? apparently, some people do. the nurse who stabbed my upper arm with a needle and injected me with an anti-flu type vaccine was warning me that if my throat started to constrict, i might want to consider seeing her to get an antidote. hmm. not so pleasant for ms. hypochondriac (=me). but no flu for me this season!!

what about the delicious indian rice with cardamom i made? or the chicken tikka masala (ah, sauce out of a jar!)? or going to a neat european import grocery store and getting nutella (yes, one can get that anywhere, but i got it there. bite me). i'm a chocolate fiend this time of year, and it is weird: even though i thought my milk-chocolate days were over, they are clearly not: i'm eating anything chocolate, with a vengeance: ice-cream dipped in chocolate, hello, come to mama. chocolate coated butter cookies? yes, thank you. plain old chocolate bar? sign me up. man, this is ridiculous.


the weekend had its ups and downs, saturday with its french toast was an up, sunday (all in all) was a down, emotional mood swings related to family events in my life, and general anxiety issues i am dealing with.

and today? i counted 21 UPS trucks leaving their hub in redmond, driving on 520. on a 2 mile strip of highway, 21 UPS trucks. a little brown fleet. i got such a kick out of that!

dandlioneyes at 12:20 pm

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