07 December 2005

merrily we plod along

i'm totally fatigued. i feel drugged, in fact, and wonder if it is a side-effect of the flu shot i had yesterday. the sore left arm that feels like someone punched it certainly is a side-effect, but this fatigue is ridiculous.

my grumpy mood is also ridiculous, but i guess i'm just going to have to go with it and enjoy the grey weather and cool (cold!) temperatures. i mean, what, with artichokes for dinner, how can one not be in a good mood -- right?

i want a vacation. putting in my order for one right now. tropical beach (preferably kauai) would be nice. one that involves frilly cocktails and the smell of sunscreen and the feel of sand underneath my feet, that kind of vacation. and a cool breeze. and salt water. thank you.

as for the rest of my life, it just plods on, nothing exciting, nothing bad, i feel in limbo (why, because i'm basically not doing anything but sitting in my basement and writing/pretending to write?) -- i'd like a job. heck, i would be happy with a commute that gave me the sense of having a job. sign me up for one of those, too! (i'm clearly in a sick, sick mood. asking for a commute? you've GOT to be kidding me)....

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 4:49 pm

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