16 December 2005

it is a long way to tipperary

off to illinois tomorrow. flying first class (woo!), not because we're special or anything, but because we used frequent flyer miles and that's just how it worked out. it means chester the cat gets to travel back from illinois with me in first class (pobresito, drugged little, well, big, cat, high on tranquilizers)....

the vacation will be mixed. first time seeing my parents since the divorce. my dad's new girlfriend will be there (that sounds juvenile, girlfriend, but whatever). the time is split between parents. and this time, possessions will be spread out over two households, and i just will find that strange. objects -- just objects, as e. says -- are things that anchor us, so we'll just see how i react to what feels like will be chaos....

january will be a big month for us in terms of doctor's appointments... nothing dreadfully fun, but a consult appointment which we are looking forward to. more on that at some point in the future.

it is frosty out in seattle, the lawn looks downright crunchy. the trees look like they are shivering. i've cranked up the heat to 70 (decadence, really, but it is cold out), and need to finish 5 loads of laundry before the trip. not that we're taking that much, but hey, this gal does sort her whites and darks (and towels and sheets...!)

because of "the modem" (booooooooh) in illinois, which both my parents still use (you recall, don't you, the ultra slow internet connection that blocks the phone line? yes, that one?)... i might not update so much. that said, i haven't been recently, either, but i'll just have to get into the habit sooner or later again...

same bat time, same bat channel, i may post again before december 30th, when the pacific northwest once again has its very own dandlioneyes back!

(curtsies to the applause, and smiles).

dandlioneyes at 10:21 am

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