09 February 2006


i'm feeling mega-anxious about work today. i think i'll get out for a walk, get into the sun, eat an apple as i walk around, and clear my head. seriously, this is just DUMB. i can't let the stupid dissertation get to me like this. i'm slow, i know that, my work ethic is practically non-existent, but that does not mean that i should let this get to me like this.

in other news, we've had a social week this week... dinner guests over on tuesday, out with friends last night to a thai restaurant, meeting the neighbors (for fence related issues!) tonight, meeting a friend of my sweetie's for coffee on saturday (ok, i'll be shopping at pike's place market while they have coffee), and then a concert saturday evening -- a great newfoundland band called great big sea. i can't wait!

dandlioneyes at 1:03 pm

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