16 February 2006

arctic cold front

a quiet thursday evening-- since we are expecting unusually cold temperatures tonight (in the 20s, which, for seattle, is odd), and "arctic winds" from canada, i've got a veggie broth with leeks and carrots and rice cooking, we'll dunk some toast into it, and probably have hot chocolate later. sounds decadent to me, though i realize that my definition of decadent ought to include double chocolate cake. ah well, next time!

i've been tired recently, but getting good amounts of sleep. next weekend (not this upcoming one), we have houseguests, which amounts to a clean house for us, and showing it off. i sort of relish in that. the clean house in particular, because otherwise we just do the bare minimum.

work is slow, but c'est la vie!

later, gaters.

dandlioneyes at 5:56 pm

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