10 April 2006


it is nice to be home after 5 days in north carolina. and to think we might have ended up there! i wouldn't have minded... chapel hill is charming, it has beautiful weather, and a beautiful campus, but i still like the pacific northwest (and the west coast in general) better. i had rented an economy car for personal use, and they "upgraded" me to a minivan that had only 2 miles on it. i put on another 84 miles, and felt like a soccer mom, shuttling conference members back and forth from the hotel to the campus and back. all in all, the whole thing was successful, though, lots of discussion... and a realization that interdisciplinary dialogue is very, very hard. all of our disciplinary baggage makes a difference in terms of our questions we ask, in terms of our priorities. but still, it was a good conference.

on my flights back, i sat next to pregnant women, each time. no bonding, though, neither were very chatty beyond the "when are you do, do you know the sex" conversation. i was hoping for more of a feeling of going through the same thing. i guess we were all just slightly miserable traveling.

in three weeks i'll be in a wedding, and though i ordered a ridiculously large bridesmaids dress, it doesn't fit. i'll have to take it to a seamstress and have her turn it into an empire waist of some sort. i'll be 17, almost 18 weeks by the time of the wedding, and there is no way i'll fit in it then if i'm having a hard time now... ah, the drama!

the baby doesn't like the at-home doppler, at all. we find the little heartbeat, which is great, and then the little baby wiggles away and we don't hear the heartbeat. almost as if s/he is saying: mom, dad, stop it, leave me alone! ah, what a teenager we'll have some day!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 8:31 pm

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