15 May 2006


we had a lovely, quiet weekend, which involved the attempts at going to the jazz alley on friday night (i threw a temper tantrum after we got our dinner bill and decided we couldn't spend that much in one night and then get tickets to a show as well -- ah, the hormones), errands to such mega-superstores (yikes!) as costco and home depot, yard work, balmy 75 degree weather and sunshine, and a mother's day card with attached prenatal massage from my husband and the baby! very sweet. we puttered around, and it was tremendously relaxing. at the latter of the superstores we got paint chip samples and went nuts trying to figure out what color the house should be painted...halfway agreeing, halfway disagreeing... and realizing that it won't matter as long as the trim color match. fresh paint is going to look greast, regardless....

all's well in preggo land, too. the belly still is bigger in the pm than in the am (ah, food, ah gravity!), but it is THERE in the morning, too... and i'm loving it. i know i'll get to 36, 37 weeks and feel like a truck, and not love that belly, but right now, i think it is cute.


dandlioneyes at 8:42 am

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