11 May 2006

microchips, gender, and food, oh my!

Ah yes... AWOL for a long time. The excuse: apparently there is no internet in California. Ok, that's a lousy excuse, but I was in California for a week for the wedding of my friend from college (and me, the matron (!) of honor)... and it was a week of extravaganza: a girl's spa night that I had planned, a rehearsal and dinner, the whole-day-get-the-bride-ready-and-married even on saturday... it was really lovely, but since my schedule was way off (sleep, foodk, etc.), the morning sickness came back, and it is wonderful to be back home.

11 days and counting until we can find out the sex of the baby ... which we will, I think, if the baby cooperates. I'm 18.5 weeks along, which amazes me, if you think that 20 weeks is the halfway mark. I'm showing, a bit, and people that don't know are noticing, which I love. I'm decked out in some cute maternity clothes (thanks to a thoughtful mom and mother in law), and probably need to go up yet another (!) bra size. Who knew?! But it is nice to be in the 2nd trimester, moseying along, feeling more or less better, with more energy (I even went to the gym).... And now we have to get serious about things like: carseat, crib, clothing, etc. Any other c words?

Took my poor cat in for a microchip today, because if he ever got out I'd be thrilled to know there was a way to track him. He's majorly pissed off at me for taking him to the vets, and he's smart -- so that when he heard the zipper of his cat carrier, he was under the far reaches of the bed, which I, with my preggo sense of gravity and belly... couldn't access. Smart cat!

Work is slow, and it is time for 2nd breakfasts... I'm such a hobbit these days, grazing, always thinking of the next meal....

dandlioneyes at 10:02 am

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