27 April 2006


how in the world can we take on the responsibility of giving a name to a little munchkin? maybe it is true: meet him or her first, and then decide? will the name grow to fit the child, match their personality, or will their be disharmony? i mean, is a "mitzi" always bubbly, and, well, possibly ditzy? we associate so much with names, and all of a sudden, though i had felt very good about the names we had picked (even before getting pregnant), i am having my doubts. and i wish i knew what they were based on. is it that i doubt the names are equally pronouncable and nice in three languages?

yikes. it didn't seem like a hard task at first, but now i'm wondering how in the world we'll do this. a friend of mine who just had a child didn't name him, poor thing, for a week, until the nurses said they needed the name for the birth certificate. i don't want that. but nor do i want three names picked out for the baby, meet him or her, and then have my husband and i disagree on what he or she looks like! yikes.

i'm making a mountain out of a molehill.... but this isn't easy!

dandlioneyes at 11:43 am

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