25 April 2006


the sound of the baby's heart beating away (now a bit higher than a month ago) is just beautiful...thwoop thwoop thwoop... a bit like a galloping horse. it makes it seem more real that i'm actually pregnant. i'm basically one of the first of my close group of friends (none of whom, sigh, live in seattle) to get pregnant, and it has been a bit weird, for me and for them (i think). everyone is super excited, but it is also clear that our lives will follow different routes for a while now. which they probably always have done, but it is still odd to contemplate. i'm not worried at all, and am looking forward to seeing how various friendships developand change, but sometimes i just pause and think about it, and say: hmmm, this is interesting.

i guess it boils down to feeling a bit melancholy this morning, since i have next to no friends (yes, how to meet them in one's own basement, i see the dilemna) here in seattle, and i would desperately like to even just meet someone for a cup of coffee (decaf or hot chocolate or whatever.... give me a break!)... i love it here, wouldn't trade it for anything, but i miss having close friends nearby (when was the last time that was the case, though, really) -- someone to meet with regularly and just ramble on about everything from johnny depp to the weather to the baby to who knows what.

i slept so well last night, though, despite 5 bathroom trips. ah yes. five of them. every 70-90 minutes. but i feel good this morning, and want to make the most of the day. after all, it is free cone day at ben and jerry's!

dandlioneyes at 9:20 am

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