17 July 2006

key words

over two weeks since i updated? that's just uncanny, especially since i've been reading almost daily.

hard to summarize the past few weeks, i suppose, so you'll get a list of key words and phrases for now... i'll get back into the habit of writing, soon. here goes:

muggy illinois, inconvenient truth a la al gore, 28 weeks preggo today, a remarried mom, baby clothes galore, a fender bender in seattle (scary until she starting kicking again), pirates of the caribbean (argh, matey), yoga class which kicks my butt, slow going on work, but going, long evenings in seattle with a late sunset, glucose tolerance test and ultrasound (yay!), kicks in the cervix by the little girl, the excitement of my 29th birthday coming up (oy!), construction on the nearby main thoroughfare including nighttime repavement (thump, thump, noisy), and homemade pistachio ice-cream a la my dear husband.

and that, she wrote, is all for now!

dandlioneyes at 7:53 pm

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