24 July 2006

11 more weeks!

29 weeks today... 11 weeks to go... and i have no idea how this little one will FIT, let along have room to come out. i'm just boggled by the fact that i really am getting so big, and that she's heavy (ultrasound last week placed her at 2lbs11oz), and that this (surprise surprise) might be making my back ache. but women get through this, right? i'm not the only one to have ever done this. funny thing, i'm more concerned about the rest of the pregnancy (discomfort) than i am worried or scared of labor. i figure that part will be insanely hard, but imminently doable... but 11 more weeks of this? i'm tired all the time, peeing every 30 minutes, not able to eat much even though i am hungry (squished stomach), and sometimes get kicks that really, really hurt...

my mantra: i can do this, i can do this, i can do this!

we lugged out the furniture in the baby's room that doesn't belong there into the basement, and will set up the crib this weekend. we still need a dresser, and are refurbishing a desk to become a changing table. right now it is a white kids desk, and we're going to paint it (i'm voting for red), and attach a changing pad to it. whee! all very exciting. i can't believe she might be here in less than 11 weeks... little sweetheart!

the heat we've been having qualifies as insane, as far as i'm concerned. in a land of no air conditioning, the fan is king. so we're hanging out infront of the fan, eating popsicles, and drinking 4 liters of water (i kid you not) a day... time for liter nr. 1!

dandlioneyes at 8:50 am

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