03 August 2006


My lack of writing is entirely inexcusable, but then again ask me how much I am actually getting written on the dissertation (uhm, minimal wordage) -- and you'll see why I have to be sparse with the number of words I use elsewhere. Seriously, sometimes I think there are a certain number of words allocated per day, which we can distribute and make use of as we see fit, and once they run out -- bam, that's it!

Had my birthday this weekend, which we celebrated with two very good and close friends who live entirely too far away. On my birthday eve we went to one of my favorite restaurants, Pair, which has american style Tapas (mac and cheese with gruyere, for example)... small little dishes, and family style, so one gets to taste a lot of flavors. It is delicious food in a relaxed atmosphere, Euro-cozy, not pretentios and post-modern. I was delighted to see a 5-year old ballerina walzing (pirouetting?) around, meaning we can go there with our daughter and not be glared at by the upper crust.... yum, food!

We also visited Seattle's troll and Sunday flea market the next day, ate a donut at Top Pot donuts, and enjoyed ourselves. Glutton I was, and the scale reflects it, but then again much of that MUST be the weight the little baby is gaining, right? 1/2 a week or something like that? Ok, the donut clearly contributed... but I hear that donuts and chocolate are important to the development of gestating fetuses, really. :-)

Otherwise, it is hard to believe that there are approximately 9.5 weeks remaining until she gets here, give or take. I was a premie at 32 weeks, and hope she stays in utero longer than I apparently did. Can't wait to meet her, of course, but I want her to be big and strong and not have to be in a NICU at the hospital. So hang in there, little one, and you'll be here soon enough. She moves around a lot, despite the anterior placenta cushioning a lot of the strong kicks, and I think we can tell head from bum at this point... neat!

Work is puttering, it should get its act together. Seriously.

dandlioneyes at 2:06 pm

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