09 August 2006


it is hard to believe i'm 31 weeks already, 31 weeks and 2 days, not that i'm counting. i myself was born at exactly 32 weeks, weighing in at 4lbs5oz. so my little gal must be approaching 4 lbs now too, or something like that... so hard to believe. i feel huge, and am not sure where there will be room for her to grow. but i guess this system is tried and true, and all i can say is i'm glad i'm not an elephant. their gestation length is just way too long!

she has some very active and some very quiet days, the active ones involving kicks to various areas in my body that i'm surprised can be kicked. how the heck do little toes reach my ribs, and how do they have that strength? then again, i love every single kick, since they feel like a little hello from the inside. sometimes when we push back, we can get a series of kicks and it feels like we might be morsing little messages to each other. beep beep E beep A beep T beep beep beep M beep O beep beep R beep E beep beep F beep beep O beep O beep D beep beep! :-)

my tummy is also starting to get a smattering of stretchmarks, but that isn't surprising: i was wallopped with them during puberty, and expected to get them.

the baby's room is coming together, and i'm slowly thinking about packing my bags for the hospital... and her bag.... i'm hoping she isn't as early as i was, but who knows... should be prepared. i go in next tuesday for my 32 week apt., and i'm sure we'll know more then.

in the meanwhile, we can't wait. cannot.wait. grow little one, we're waiting for you!

dandlioneyes at 11:06 am

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