17 August 2006

3-hour GTT

So, who is the idiot who with a 139/140 on my 1-hour Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) at 28 weeks decides to call the doctor with symptoms of thirst and food-induced crashes?

So, who is the idiot who agrees to a second 1-hour GTT at 32 weeks?

So, who is the idiot who received a 141/130 (NOTE THE CHANGE IN SCALE!) on her 32 week 1-hour GTT today?

And I'm clearly the one who has to do the whole @#$%^&* 3-hour test this upcoming Monday. Guess who isn't a happy camper?

Sorry about the whine-fest. Seriously, I'm pouting around the house like this is the end of the world. It isn't, I know, and I'd rather KNOW than not, and take care of my body and my baby, but I am just not looking forward to the 3-hour... (sigh). The three hour test is actually four hours (fasting blood draw, 1 hour of glucola, 2 hours after glucola, 3 hours after glucola) of being pricked in the arm on a 12-hour fasting empty stomach. That's just cruel beyond belief for a pregnant woman who is scarfing food every two hours. They'll even restrict my fluid (water) intake. And because some pregnant women faint or get so weak, they have La-Z-Boys for us to sit around in. Isn't this just the cats meow??


dandlioneyes at 10:27 am

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