25 August 2006


honestly, this insomnia thing has to stop. i can't sleep at night because everything hurts, and i'm too wound up thinking about everything, from family stress to labor to being a parent to how achy i am. and then i crash in the morning and could sleep until noon. ridiculous. and not that i could be productive at night, no way, because my body is tired. it is my mind that is running its little rat race, trying to find the cheese. honestly.

six weeks three days until my due date. that's nothing! but i don't see how i could get bigger, and i am, constantly, growing, waddling, peeing all the time. all par for the course, and normal, but i am just so tired of not feeling like myself anymore. i just can't wait for her to get here. i just can't wait to be able to sleep on my back or my stomach!

losing pluto has also been a weird thing today. i grew up with nine planets, and, bingo, now we are down to eight. hold on tight, who knows what'll happen to earth!

i had yoga today, which was good -- but not the earth-realigning yoga i needed. in part that is because i can't do all the stretches and bends anymore given a sheer lack in flexibility. i just can't move so much. and yes, i'm whining. and yes, this is incoherent. it is after midnight, the alarm rings at 6 am, and i'm just plumb exhausted.

i suppose laying down and trying to sleep is going to be the way to go, instead of sitting here and rambling. i just can't wait for time to keep on moving ahead!

dandlioneyes at 12:01 am

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