30 August 2006

doctors and sleep

"Meet and Greet" at a Pediatrician's office... short for: go in and unload all your anxiety onto the poor MD, and see if you find them (and their office/clinic) to be a good fit. And how in the world does one determine a good fit? Beats me. I just want to make sure that if this little gal gets sick, I have a place to turn to, and one that will help her feel better quickly. Even at 3 am on a Sunday night.

We liked this place, though one sees residents, not the slightly more established MDs... if we don't like the other places we are taking a look at, this is definitely a keeper.

My fatigue has been high, and I assume that it is here to stay for the next, oh, I dunno, year? And according to what I've read, "sleeping through the night" = circa 5 hours of sleep, so I'm not sure when we'll work our way up to 7, 8, 9 hours. Not a problem at all, though, since I've been up throughout this pregnancy, every few hours. As long as I can fall back asleep...

40 days from now is the due-date. 40 days. That's 5 weeks 4 days from now, which I just can't for the life of me imagine. Not too long left, now. She should be aroudn 5 lbs by now, and growing and growing... If I think too much about the whole process, I get nervous, but for the most part, labor doesn't scare me. I figure I'll go into some sort of auto-pilot... my body is meant to know how to do this, right??

dandlioneyes at 6:01 pm

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