23 September 2006

15 days and counting!

It is amazing to me how time is flying -- and yet it isn't. As of tomorrow, there are only 15 days until my due-date, but that means nothing! She could come tomorrow, or a month from now, according to whim, flights of fancy, the full moon on October the 7th, or who knows what. I'm still trying to help things along with my evening primrose oil and my red raspberry leaf tea, trying to walk etc., ... but she'll come when she comes. And I can't believe I'm going to be a mom.

The nesting has certainly started -- the obsessive cleaning, coupled, unfortunately, with the inability to sustain my cleaning frenzy (or desire to clean) for more than 1 hour or so a day. So I do two loads of laundry and call it a day. Or vacuum and call it a day. Or mop. But I certainly want the house clean and tidy for her arrival.

We went from summer to fall back to summer... from 80 degrees 10 days ago to a week of rain and temperatures in the 50's (40's at night, meaning: warm comforter and the heater in the evenings to take the edge off), back to sunshine and temperatures in the 70's. No complaining here... the cool was nice, but the Vitamin D offered by the sun has made me happy, too. I keep on negotiating with our little baby: come now, and you'll still get sun! Wait two weeks, and you won't see it until May. So far, no luck. She's probably taking after her two Leo parents.

Enchiladas are baking away, and I'm going to sit down, put my feet up, and keep on reading John Mortimer's Second Rumpole Omnibus. I remember watching Rumpole of the Bailey on PBS when I was a teenager (we watched a lot of PBS and Masterpiece Theatre and Mystery! with Diana Riggs...), and the reading, though light and fluffy, is all I have the energy for. Plus the prose amuses me. So that's what I'll do, post-enchiladas. And maybe a bath. I can't seem to get enough of those these days....

dandlioneyes at 8:01 pm

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