16 October 2006

first two weeks

She's 2 weeks old today. 2 weeks! I can't believe how time has flown. She's incredible, changing daily, and amazingly good with her night and daytime schedule. And she lost her umbilical cord stump today, so Eureka! Bath time!

Honestly, I can't encapsulate the past two weeks in mere words. She's amazing. She's adorable. It is hard not to cuddle and hold her. Her quiet alert phases are neat, she takes in the world and all I can do is wonder what she is thinking. Nursing is hard, but working well, and I do relish that time with her. We do feel house-bound, and are trying to take regular walks. And it is nice to have a quiet house after a barrage of grandparents. Though it helped to have them cook for us!
And -- woot woot -- we're temporarily getting a cleaning lady! She comes tomorrow, and we're thrilled.

Words don't do justice to the experience. I did have a bad bout of baby blues, but have managed to fend it off with baths in the evenings, and naps during the day, and good food. Sushi two days ago was a huge, huge treat. Most of all, I'm just amazed that she is here, that she's her own little person, and that we get to care for her. I feel very, very lucky.

dandlioneyes at 4:22 pm

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