31 October 2006


her first halloween, and the outfit that someone had given her to wear ("baby's first halloween") is too small... she's growing so, so fast. tomorrow is her first airplane ride. she has started to track objects with her eyes. her newborn clothes don't fit. she smiles a lot (though that is most likely due to the warm milk in her belly)... all amazing. i just sit and look at her and am so amazed that she is here.

and then there is the "i haven't showered yet today" syndrome, because my sweetie went back to work, and now i'm the sole caregiver during the day. hats off to those who do this full time. what a difference. we've had two good days -- today was better, since i bundled her up in her hat (that didn't fit her two weeks ago but now does!), and we took a walk, and i treated myself to a halloween muffin at my favorite cafe.

who needs showering, though, when one's little bear wants to cuddle up against you and snooze...

dandlioneyes at 3:50 pm

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