07 November 2006

9 lbs!

She's 5 weeks and 1 day old and weights 9 lbs! I'm so amazed. We took her to the pediatrician yesterday, and our little gal gained 1.5 lbs since the last visit. No wonder she's outgrowing her clothes in leaps and bounds.

And those smiles? Those smiles that for sure were gas -relief smiles before hand? Those seems to be genuine social smiles about 50% of the time now. Maybe 30% of the time. But she has these little heartwarming grins that just make me smile and coo back at her.

She was in Illinois last week visiting my mom, and celebrating her Grandma's wedding. She got to meet my extended family, and was great at traveling... we were nervous, but Miss E. slept the entire fllight. Some airlines don't, though, seem to have changing tables in the bathrooms, and that %$^&*( me off to say the least. That's a juggling act: a 5 week old baby in the plane bathroom (aka germapalooza 2006), trying to changer her, hoping that she won't pee while her diapeys are off...

And she even got to meet saucy and her paternal uncle.

I for one can't believe she's this big already. Sometimes it makes me cry, the thought of time flying this quickly. And on other days I get excited, thinking that the next thing around the corner: the smiles, the reaching, the crawling, etc. are even bigger and better. The love one can feel for such a little thing is just amazing.

I also am restless at home... wondering what I'll do with my life, with the dissertation, with jobs... it is odd to be approaching 30 and still feel so unsure about these things. One thing is for sure, however: Miss E. needs me, and that feeling of being responsible for someone's very survival is just -- indescribable.

She's asnooze in her BabyBjorn, and I need to fix some lunch....

dandlioneyes at 12:45 pm

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